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Use Cases

Law firms

Lawyers use Lucra to keep their firms compliant with SRA and MLR obligations and defended against fraudulent transactions.

Safeguarding outbound payments

Protect office and client money against socially engineered scams and payment errors by accessing accurate and verifiable bank data.

Real-time trusted-source data

Lucra harnesses open banking to source bank account information directly from a payee's bank.

Superior confirmation of payee

First test of fraud is to actually see the full name on the account. Understand exactly who you are paying and if it matches the payee.

Transaction activity that matches payee profile

Second test of fraud is to determine how old an account is and whether its activity levels match the economic profile of the payee. Lucra delivers this with analysed transaction data. All in line with CQS protocols.

100% correct payment details

Don't worry about fat finger errors. Lucra pulls the account number, sort code and IBAN directly from the bank. So what you see is 100% correct.

Ultra secure protection of client data

  • Bank data securely transferred via encrypted open banking APIs

  • All PII securely stored in UK and EU databases

  • All data is encrypted at rest (AES-256) and in transit (TLS 1.2+)

Simple and easy to use for clients

With no app downloads or file uploads required, clients can easily provide all the necessary information with minimal effort.

Pricing that conserves cash

All Lucra plans start on a PAYG basis. No multi-year contracts or upfront bundles. So you get to protect your cashflow while only paying when value is delivered.

Effortlessly demonstrate AML compliance

Effortlessly maintain compliance with MLR and SRA anti-money laundering obligations with Lucra's automated screening and monitoring capabilities.

Screen all payees for AML risks

Client or beneficiary, Lucra lets you validate IDs and screen for global sanctions, adverse media and PEP status. All in real-time.

Maintain 24/7/365 monitoring

Fulfill obligations to monitor clients and beneficiaries with monitoring capabilities that work quietly in the background, alerting you every time there is a change.

Adjust screening settings for different risk profiles

Conduct matter risk assessments according to their specific risk profile, by configuring how you screen for PEPs, adverse media and fuzzy logic.

A single source of truth for reporting and audit

Bank, ID and AML information, results of checks, screening settings, notes and observations, and an audit timeline of user action and activity. All neatly delivered in a single report.

Works for any transcation

Flexible and configurable to be deployed on any transaction, at any point in your process.

Sell side M&A

Debt financing

Sell side conveyancing


Probate distributions

Supplier payments

And any other client or office outbound payment

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